Do you love to read?
Well, I do.
I love to read good books. Not just books that catch you and grab your attention, but good clean books that you feel safe having your little 12 and 13 year old nieces and nephews read too. Cause they will read anything I suggest to them, or anything they see me read, and do I really want them reading some of the stuff out there?
Also, I have a lot of time to read. I make the time because I love it that much. One thing I found is that I’m not big on listening to music endlessly, so I use my ipod more for books. At first it was checking books on CD out from the library, loading them onto itunes and then onto my ipod, but I found a much easier way. I just use the Digital Media Library and it’s awesome! You should ask your library if they have access to it, all you need is a library card!
There are several thousand books available and you download them onto your computer and from there to your ipod. The books are available on your hard drive for a designated check-out period (7,14,21 days) and then removed from your hard drive. It’s an awesome way to read!
So, I will try to put some periodic reviews of books that I’ve liked and maybe someone will gain something from it!
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