i love
pretty things and
clever words. -Unknown

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So tonight I was watching the last episode EVER of Smallville (I have it on DVD, don’t worry) and as I was watching it, I thought about how the word for the year that I have picked is hope. That is a big part of what the last season of Smallville is about.
The season focus on the coming of Darkside, an evil villain that is nearly impossible to fight because it prays on the weaknesses, doubts and darknesses that we already have within us. Oliver Queen (aka the Green Arrow) he is marked by darkness but no one else knows because they can’t see what is in his heart. In the very last episode, Darkside has so much control over him, he is convinced to put a gold Kryptonite ring on Clarks finger (Gold Kryptonite will take away Clark’s powers forever). If he takes Clark’s powers away, there will be no hope and Darkside will be able to take over the world. To ride the world of light; of hope.
Chloe realizes just in time what is happening and she is able to stop Oliver and warn Clark. Clark and Oliver have a show down and Clark tells Oliver that believes in him. Really, it’s a great speech, and as he talks to Oliver, you suddenly see hope fill him and the mark of Darkside is removed from him.
So that got me thinking how important hope is. Hope can banish the darkness from our lives and it can give is what we need to fight negativity in the world today. When we are inspired with hope, we can inspire others and we can be that light for others when they are in darkness.
Hmm…I guess this reveals that I’m a little bit of a Superman geek, but I still think that his can teach us lots of important lessons.
Oh, and here’s something else about me. I love quotes. I can’t help it, they just make me so happy!
“Sometimes all we need is someone to believe in us no matter what. That kind of faith is a beacon. It gives us hope and it gives us guidance, sometimes even the courage to change.” –Clark Kent, Smallville

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I discovered this today and wanted to make one for my new blog. I'm so silly but i wanted to share it!

Wordle: Giggle

About Me

Let's see ... lets start with this: 

Age: 25 and 6 months
School: Bachelors in Behavioral Studies with an emphasis on Psychology 
Color: Baby blue will probably always be #1, but I’m branching out. I love a lot of colors and right now it's a love of the yellow and gray combo
If I could be a smell: Lucky. Who wouldn’t want to be?
If I could be anything: a novelist. That was a hard one, but it’s a dream of mine
If I could be a food: toast.
If I could be a day: Thursday
Self-indulgence: reading
Best attribute: patience
Greatest fear: being forgotten
Greatest wish: to have 

So I guess that's me in a nutshell. What you need to know about me is this: I love life, I love people (I love watching and observing and learning about people to be more exact) I love writing  too and I love that Fairy Tales. (That seems to be all the rage right now so I thought I'd put it out there that I liked them first) I have my heart set on living my own fairy tale, so maybe I'll write it right here, right now in 2012.