i love
pretty things and
clever words. -Unknown

Friday, November 6, 2015

My Goal to be Green Arrow

If you know me at all, you'll know I have a love for Smallville. "That old TV show?" you say. Well, yes, that old TV show. I've watched every episode and re-watched most of them as well. (That Emily episode, I just couldn't do it. Talk about nightmares)

Well, there is a quote from that show that has stuck with me for years. I think about it almost every time I'm on Facebook or Instagram.  Or every time I want to blog, this quote comes to mind. It makes me question my purpose, but I think in a good way.

Let me tell you about this quote. In the show, Oliver Queen has just come out in a press conference and told the world that he is the Green Arrow. He did this in hopes of getting back his girlfriend, who had left him to protect his secret. The world has mixed feelings about his announcement, and he gets a lot of flack for his choice of nighttime activities. The world seemed a lot more understanding of his 'Play Boy' attitude than of his 'Vigilante' one. In an interview, the following conversation takes place:  

Oliver Queen: I lost someone. She meant everything to me.
TV Reporter: So, for that you want what, a merit badge and special rights?
Oliver Queen: No. No, you're right. I'm not special. This isn't about who I am. It's about what I do. And I don't think I'm the first rich boy who felt that way. It was John F. Kennedy who once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
TV Reporter: So now you're comparing yourself to a fallen hero of this country?
Oliver Queen: Well, why not? He saw the hero in all of us. I'm not dwelling on revenge of past atrocities or looking from to what I can personally gain from a few tax breaks, drilling oil wells in the ocean, putting up razor-wired fences to keep out immigrants who only want what our grandparents wanted. In this world of armchair bloggers who created a generation of critics instead of leaders, I'm actually doing something, right here, right now, for the city, for my country. And I'm not doing it alone. You're damn right I'm a hero.

I'm not saying we should be an arrow slinging vigilantes. (Although, I for one, do love archery) But I am trying to say something. I told you I think about this quote, I think about it a lot. It's our generation to be out there on social media and to be known and 'Liked' and 'selfie-d' (I made that up) and just out there. I like that too, I like to be recognized in that way. But what I want to try to remember to ask myself before I post is, 'are you being an armchair blogger and a critic?' or, 'are you commenting on this just to comment, or do you actually have value to add to a discussion?'. Sometimes I fail in my attempt and make a knee jerk comment or post that I later cringe at.  Sometimes I get defensive in my conversations instead of just willing to listen.

But I am trying to make the decision to act in this world instead of just react.  

Change is not easy for me. (And I quote: Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty -Girl Meets World)  But I am learning that this world is full of change daily and I can learn and grow from that. I hope you'll accept me while I do that.

In my last post, I said that my goal was to be the good in this world. I want everything I do to add to the good in this world and not take away from it. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My Goal

Here is my confession. I love blogging in many ways. I want to blog.

"But," you say, "then why so long between blog posts?"

The thing is. I also have this huge fear when it comes to blogging. A fear of being labeled a hypocrite. Of being judged of something, or of my words being taken the wrong way. I'm afraid of appearing to be someone I'm not.

But I want to have a voice out here. I don't know why exactly it's a goal of mine. Maybe because it's cleansing, and writing helps me sort out my thoughts and dreams. but still...

I'm afraid of...putting myself out there. But I want to. I want to be...the good. I want to be a positive light and I want to write, and write and make a difference. I figure out who I am when I write and I want to do that.

So if you read my blog, then I'm grateful to  you because I WANT people to read my blog. And I want you to comment, to put yourself out there too ...but be the good! Let's stop filling the internet with criticism and hate, state your opinion and state it clearly, but without arguing and without bullying and putting another person down.

That is my goal. To be the good and show that good!

I have loved this image since I first saw it on Pinterest.
It's not mine, but it's exactly how I feel!!
Are you in?